In the Bible version of the story, Eden is the work of God and eating the fruit means Adam and Eve are cast from the garden for yielding to Satan's temptation. The whole Eden story is about eating from the tree of knowledge (and there are many ways to interpret that one!). There are references in the film to witchcraft, and one has to remember that women who were accused of witchcraft were often mystics or inclined to intuitive knowledge rather than actual "witches." This could be seen as a release of "feminine knowledge" which in the time of witch hunts was seen as evil, but which is really the powerful intuition we all access at times - knowledge from inside. It feels like the women have been released by the death of She. The women at the end, who were perhaps somehow the same as the fragments of women entwined in the tree roots earlier in the film, are climbing - Heaven is up. She crippled her son, in Eden She tries to cripple her husband She tries to neuter both of them, removing the organs which both created the son and were responsible for his death. The trip to Eden was about exorcising the evil which She had incorporated into her being during her studies ("masculine" knowledge attained from outside). While She came to believe that women were inherently evil, He was repulsed by this idea. But if that's a dumb reading of the movie, its just doesn't hold up anyway.While this film, in general, defies attempts to analyze it, here are a few (hopefully not too jumbled) thoughts which are a composite from reading many analyses of this film, a film rich in incoherent and possibly unintended(!) religious symbolism: Like a message of how men just reppress those emotions and results in anger against women, explaining misogyny (or whatever).
I felt that a good theme of the movie was how men deal with painful emotions by just abusing women and taking advantage in the more emotional female to let them charge with all the guilt in a given situation of shared guilt (like in this case). Its like it touches so many dark human emotions that it ends in kind of a contradiction. But what Im not so sure is: What's the point of all this? The themes (self hatred, deppression, guilt) are all there, but I feel they lose coherence. The themes (self hatred, deppression, I admit the movie is great at making you feel bad, deppressed (and oppressed) with imagery and visuals, incredible acting from both leads, and graphic and painful scenes.

So that's great.īut what Im not so sure is: What's the point of all this? I admit the movie is great at making you feel bad, deppressed (and oppressed) with imagery and visuals, incredible acting from both leads, and graphic and painful scenes. If intellect is your thing, this is for you. If you're looking for a film for sexual or violent gratification don't bother with this. The acting is incredible from both characters.

Although graphic in it's adult content, it's not really a film for entertainment, it's deeply thought provoking, shocking and artistic in the most absurd way.

I defy anyone not to be moved by the opening images, however, I also think you need to understand depression, anxiety and panic attacks, even have personal experience, to fully appreciate what this film is all about. The first few scenes, in extra slow motion, are incredibly powerful. Yes, there are gruesome images and scenes of a sexual nature but in my opinion it is all within the context of the story. I defy I'm not a film person and generally can't sit through them but this one is the exception.

I'm not a film person and generally can't sit through them but this one is the exception.